Building cooperation: ENFP
In April 2021 the European Network of Focal Points for the 2003 Convention (ENFP) was launched for the UNESCO Group I and II countries. On the 25th May the first online event was organised to discuss the network in more detail.
In April 2021 the European Network of Focal Points for the 2003 Convention (ENFP) was launched for the UNESCO Group I and II countries. The proposal was launched in the UNESCO training on periodic reporting by focal points in Italy and Finland and was received with great interest and joy by tens of countries in the region.
On the 25th May the first online event was organised to discuss a network in more detail. In the webinar there was a presentation of the initial ideas for the network and views from the UNESCO Secretariat. We then heard examples from other networks related to the work on the UNESCO 2003 Convention in order to learn more and to inspire us to develop a network for the focal points.
The webinar was organised by the Finnish Heritage Agency in partnership with UNESCO Unit - Secretariat General of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
The webinar was held in English. A recording of the plenary sessions is now available on the Elävä perintö Youtube channel.
14.00 Opening of the webinar, Elena Sinibaldi (Italy) and Leena Marsio (Finland)
14.15 Greetings from UNESCO, Helena Drobna, Regional coordinator for Europe, UNESCO / Living Heritage Entity
14.25 Inspiration from other regional networks in the field of ICH
* Regional network of facilitators under the 2003 Convention, Jorijn Neyrinck (Belgium)
* ICH NGO Forum, Kaloyan Nikolov (Bulgaria)
* UNESCO Chairs on ICH, Marc Jacobs (Belgium)
* Regional Centre for ICH in South-Eastern Europe, Mireva Staneva (Bulgaria)
* Regional Network of experts on ICH in South-East Europe, Matteo Rosati (UNESCO)
* Nordic-Baltic ICH Network, Matti Hakamäki (Finland)
15.15 Break
15.20 Discussions in small groups about the ideas around the network
16.00 Back to plenary for sharing thoughts and considering next steps
16.30 End of the webinar
All powerpoint slides from the webinar (pdf)
Outcomes of the workshop (pdf)
Proposal: European Network of Focal Points for the 2003 Convention (pdf)
More information
Leena Marsio, Finnish Heritage Agency, leena.marsio(at)museovirasto.fi
Elena Sinibaldi, Ministry of Culture, Italy, elena.sinibaldi(at)beniculturali.it