Accredited NGOs
There are over 170 NGOs around the world that are accredited to the UNESCO 2003 Convention.
There are over 170 non-governmental organizations accredited to provide advisory services to the Intergovernmental Committee in the framework of the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
The ICH NGO Forum is a platform for communication, networking, exchange and cooperation of these NGOs. The Forum organizes every year a thematic symposium related to the annual Session of the Intergovernmental Committee. #HeritageAlive is the web publication of the Forum.
The first accredited NGO from Finland is the Folk Music Institute since 2018. Finnish Crafts Organization Taito was accredited in 2020. Next possibility to apply for accrediation is april 2023. Read more of the process from Unesco's website.