Participate or learn more on events related to the Convention! Many seminars and workshops are being organised in the various domains and themes of ICH. Check out Elävä perintö YouTube channel and Facebook.

Nordic Clinker Boat Conference 2025
Maritime Kotka and Loviisa will bring together stakeholders from across the Nordic region in September 2025. Participants are expected from all over the Nordic countries, including boat builders, associations, museums and educational institutions.

LIVIND Research webinar
What does it mean to put the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and living heritage into practice at the national level or locally among heritage practitioners? Join the LIVIND webinar on December 17 to learn about the key insights our research team gathered throughout the project. During the event, we will also present the research paper and the policy brief related to the project.

LIVIND Final Seminar
What roles does living cultural heritage play in the sustainability transition? How can different forms of living heritage, various traditional knowledge and skills, everyday collective activities, and celebratory expressions contribute to more ecologically, economically, socially, and culturally sustainable development? Come and hear what we have learned in the international LIVIND project in recent years! Coordinated by the Finnish Heritage Agency, this three-year project brought together actors of living cultural heritage from the Nordic and Baltic countries and Poland. The project now culminates in the final event in Helsinki in May.

Webinar: Living heritage and actions for sustainable development
In this webinar, we take a deeper look into sustainable development in the context of living heritage. We will hear viewpoints from the everyday of living heritage safeguarding work with analytical takes on monitoring and indicators and also critical discussion on the roles of culture and cultural heritage in the Agenda 2030 and beyond. For our speakers’ panel discussion, you are welcomed to present questions and share through virtual tools your own viewpoints and experiences.

LIVIND Workshop on Living Heritage and Well-being
In this workshop we focus on the connections between living heritage and well-being. We start from asking, to which extent the possibilities of living heritage for well-being have been recognized in studies on increasing well-being, and what more should be done. We deliver short case examples on how practices of living heritage contribute to health and well-being and, finally, welcome you to interact and discuss this theme with others!

Celebrating the theme year of Living Heritage in Oodi
Join us in celebrating the theme year of Living Heritage with a wide range of discussions, performances, and demonstrations from the field of intangible cultural heritage. The festivities will take place in Oodi (and online) on 9.10. at 13-16!