Wiki-inventory for Living heritage brings visibility to intangible cultural heritage in Finland. There are already over 200 elements from over 250 communities!
The Finnish Heritage Agency opened a Wiki-inventory for Living Heritage in 2016 related to the UNESCO 2003 Convention. The Wiki-inventory now contains over 240 submissions from over 400 communities in five different languages! Many of them are also available in English. The purpose of the inventory is to compile information and present intangible living heritage extensively in Finland, together with ICH communities, associations, museums, other institutions or informal groups. The inventory is an essential tool in making living heritage more visible. In Finland, the inventory is collected in an open and involving manner, using Wikimedia. The Wiki-inventory is a platform that is constantly being supplemented and updated. The traditions may be related to celebrations, food, crafts, performing arts, games, nature, or oral traditions, for example. Good practices, projects, or methods for the safeguarding of living heritage can also be presented in the inventory. Through Wiki-inventory it is possible to present rich and diverse cultural heritage from small individual phenomena to broad entities. Groups and communities are encouraged to share their living heritage as well as other information sources related to it. The platform can be used in three languages (FIN, SWE, ENG) and articles in even other languages are encouraged. In keeping with the spirit of the UNESCO Convention, it is hoped that examples of living heritage will be listed as widely as possible, and that more examples will be collected from all around Finland, of phenomena small and large, whether traditional or somewhat surprising. Elements within the wiki-inventory can be suggested for the National inventory of intangible cultural heritage. The Ministry of Education and Culture nominated in 2017 52 elements, and in 2020 12 elements in the National Inventory of Living Heritage. The National Inventory had a call for submissions in early 2023, the results will be published in October 2023. |