
Circles of Living Heritage
Circles of living heritage are multistakeholder networks that are at the heart of the implementation process of the Convention in Finland.
Circles of living heritage are at the centre of the implementation process of the Convention in Finland. Circles act as coordinating organs and hubs where the actors of each field can meet each other and act for safeguarding their common intangible heritage. In the circles communities from each field practicing, transferring, teaching, researching and documenting can meet regularly. In practice, they have been organizing seminars, events and workshops and created partnerships and projects. The circles also play a role in inspiring proposals from their own field for the national inventory.
Four circles have been established with communities and actors in the respective fields: in crafts, nature, folk dance and folk music and oral tradition. There are over 70 NGOs, museums, institutes and other organisations represented in these circles. Also the sauna circle has been established as part of the safeguarding activities of the UNESCO nomination.
Read more about the circles as a operating model The ABC of Circle Activities (pdf).
ICH Crafts Circle
The Crafts Circle was founded in 2015, and it is coordinated by Taito organization Finland. There are several actors and organizations operating the circle: Craft Museum of Finland, Ikaalinen School of Arts and Crafts, School of Craft Sciences in University of Helsinki, the Friends of Finnish Handicraft, Design Museum, Restaurointikilta, Sami Duodji, Punomo.fi - Käsityö verkossa ry, Kässämartat, Helsinki Työväenopisto textile work, Modus ry, University of Eastern Finland - multi-material-based Craft Teacher Education and Craft Sciences, Tekstiilikulttuuriseura and the Finnish Heritage Agency. All other actors in the sphere of handcrafts are welcome to join the circle.
The Crafts Circle is an active circle with 3 arranged seminars, which have been recorded here (in Finnish). The circle has also made web-publication (in Finnish) ”Itsetekemisen perinne – Käsityöt elävänä kulttuuriperintönä" , which discusses handcrafs as intangible cultural heritage. Taitoliitto has also produced discussion cards about handcrafts (in Finnish) based on the cooperation in the circle. The cards represent a new approach to handcrafts, and can be used in a small group as well as just by oneself. Additionally, Taitoliitto has published Käsityön koulutuspolkuja ja taitojen oppimisen elävä perintö - Selvitys käsityön oppimisen mahdollisuuksista Suomessa.
Additional information: Kikka Jelisejeff, Developement Manager, Taito organization Finland, kikka.jelisejeff(at)taito.fi and Leena Marsio, Senior Advisor, the Finnish Heritage Agency, leena.marsio(at)museovirasto.fi.
ICH Nature Circle
The Nature Circle was founded in April 2016 in conjunction with 18 different organizations. It is coordinated by LUSTO the Finnish Forest Museum. There are several actors and organizations operating the circle: Suomen Latu, Finnish Forest Association, the Hunting Museum of Finland, the Finnish Nature League, the Finnish Kennel Club, Suomen Metsästäjäliitto, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland, Suomen Pystykorvajärjestö ry, ELY Centre for Central Finland, Tapio Oy, FEE Suomi (Foundation for Environmental Education), SARKA the Finnish Museum of Agriculture, Maatiainen ry, Suomen Kalastusmuseoyhdistys ry, The Scout of Finland, Finnish Local Heritage Federation, Association for Rural Culture and Education, the Association of Cultural Heritage Education in Finland and the Finnish Heritage Agency. All other actors in the sphere of nature are welcome to join the circle.
The first seminar of the Nature Circle was "Elossa" (Alive) and it was arranged in 2019. In 2019 the second seminar "Arvokas luonto" (Valuable nature) was held. Seminar recornings (in Finnish) are found via the links. Based on the cooperation in the circle, a web-publication Elossa - luonto ja elävä kulttuuriperintö (Alive - nature and living heritage) has been produced. In the publication nine nature specialists dicuss topics around the various sides of the nature relationship.
Additional information: Reetta Karhunkorva, LUSTO the Finnish Forest Museum, reetta.karhunkorva(at)lusto.fi and Leena Marsio, Senior Advisor, the Finnish Heritage Agency, leena.marsio(at)museovirasto.fi.
ICH Circle of Folk Music and Folk Dance
ICH Circle of Folk Music and Folk Dance was founded in 2016. The circle is coordinated by Kansantanssin ja kansanmusiikin edistämiskeskus (Folk dance and folk music Promotion Centre in Finland) and operated by its membership organisations Finlands Svenska
Folkdansring, SLS/Finlands svenska folkmusikinstitut, Finlands Svenska
Spelmansförbund, Föreningen Brage i Helsingfors, the Finnish Folk Music Institute, Kansantanssinuorten Liitto, Kantele Association,
Karjalainen Nuorisoliitto, Maailman Musiikin Keskus - Global Music
Centre, Perinnearkku, Pro Kaustinen, Rahvaanmusiikin kerho, Finnish Folklore Association, Finnish Literature Society, The Finnish Society for Ethnomusicology, the Finnish Folk Music Association, Suomen
Kansantanssi-instituutin puolesta ry, the Finnish Youth Associations, Runosong Academy and the Finnish Heritage Agecy. All other actors in the sphere of folk dance and folk music are welcome to join the circle.
Folk dance and folk music have been discussed in two seminars (in Finnish). Year 2018 was a theme year of Kansantanssin ja kansanmusiikin edistämiskeskus (Folk dance and folk music Promotion Centre in Finland) and 19 organizations produced it with a common slogan "With all condiments - ICH in folk music and folk dance".
The clinics of ICH (in Finnish) is a concept produced by the circle. The clinics help communities to analyse and develop measures on safeguarding. Clinics have been organised in festivals and other events in the field of cultural heritage.
Additional information: Matti Hakamäki, the Finnish Folk Music Institute, matti.hakamaki(at)kaustinen.fi and Leena Marsio, Senior Advisor, the Finnish Heritage Agency, leena.marsio(at)museovirasto.fi.
ICH Oral Tradition Circle
The newest circle has been founded in the spring 2018 to promote oral tradition in the field of ICH. The circle is coordinated by Kalevala Women's Association and operated by Finnish Literature Society, The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland, the Institute for the Languages of Finland, the Kalevala Society, Samova Storytelling, Runosong Academy, Karjalainen Nuorisoliitto, Culture Hub Interkult, the Association of Cultural Heritage Education in Finland, Talonpoikaiskulttuurisäätiö, the Finnish Sauna Society, Seurasaari Foundation, Haamu Kustannus, Folk Music Department of Sibelius Academy and many storytellers, organization actives, archive professionals and researchers.
All other actors in the sphere of oral tradition are welcome to join the circle.
The first event circle arranged was the Jatka tarinaa -tapahtuma (Continue the story -event) In the National Museum of Finland in the eve of the Kalevala day 27.2.2019. The event consisted 19 different story workshops attended by 250 storytellers and listeners. At the same time the event was a kickstart to #jatkatarinaa (continuethestory) social media campaign and Kalevala day festivities that were held in schools and libraries in different parts of Finland. In 2020 Kalevala day eve's festivities were continued, when Kalevala eve and Loitsutupa -seminars were arranged.
Other circles
In connection with living heritage, a sauna circle and a circle of clinker boat traditions have also been established. These circles take forward safeguarding measures related to UNESCO's inscription processes.
More information
Sirpa Huttunen, Kalevala Women's Association,
Leena Marsio, Senior Advisor, the Finnish Heritage Agency, leena.marsio(at)museovirasto.fi