Raising awareness on ICH is an important part of the Convention. Here you can have a look on the publications by the Finnish Heritage Agency on the topic.
Alive - Nature and living heritage (Elossa - luonto ja elävä kulttuuriperintö) is a web-publication consisting of 9 expert articles looking into various aspects between nature and intangible cultural heritage. The viewpoints of practitioners, NGO's, museums and researchers are presented to various forms of traditional knowledge and know-how related to nature. The publication is in Finnish. Read online.
Online-publication The Tradition of DIY - Crafts as Living Heritage (Itsetekemisen perinne - Käsityöt elävänä kulttuuriperintönä) (2017) contains 10 articles that offer different perspectives to traditional craftmanship and the culture of DIY. One of the articles is written in English, the others are in Finnish. Read online.
Intangible Cultural Heritage. Examples of the implementation of the UNESCO 2003 Convention in selected countries under comparison (CUPORE 2014, 146 p) looks on the implementation of the Convention in 15 countries and examined what kind of measures the selected countries have carried out in implementing the Convention. Download the report (in Finnish) or read the summary and conclusions (in English).
Living heritage. Background report on implementing the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Finland. (CUPORE 2015, 242 p) analyzes the two surveys taken and the 10 group discussion held in the field of ICH, combining this data with expert articles that reflect on the analyses in more depth and clarify the definitions and concepts in the Convention. Download the report (in Finnish).
Read also Living Heritage! UNESCO Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Plan for National Implementation (Finnish Heritage Agency 2015) and Action Plan for 2016-2018 (Finnish Heritage Agency 2016). A new plan on action will be published in autumn 2019.