Intangible cultural heritage
Intangible cultural heritage is the living heritage which is present in people’s everyday lives, encompassing all forms of human activity. Join us in making intangible cultural heritage in Finland visible, and add elements to the Wiki-inventory of intangible heritage containing 240 articles from over 400 communities. Let’s work together, safeguard our heritage, and ensure that it is passed on. Come and contribute!

Unesco 2003 Convention
The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage was adopted in 2003. So far 181 states have ratified the Convention.

Convention in Finland
Read more on the Finnish model to implement the Convention under the coordination of the Finnish Heritage Agency.

Safeguarding is at the heart of the UNESCO 2003 Convention.

Raising awareness on ICH is an important part of the Convention. Here you can have a look on the publications by the Finnish Heritage Agency on the topic.

Read more on what is happening in the implementation of the Convention in Finland.

Participate or learn more on events related to the Convention! Many seminars and workshops are being organised in the various domains and themes of ICH. Check out Elävä perintö YouTube channel and Facebook.

LIVIND project
The Finnish Heritage Agency's LIVIND project gained visible results in the work on intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development in 2021-2024. The project included partners from nine countries in Northern Europe, self-governing regions of the North, and Sámi areas.